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    Re: Ia the a statue of limitations on a drug felony charge?

    Posted by Prairie Dawg on 6/21/06

    You made the mistake of kicking a sleeping dog. High time
    (no pun intended) to hire yourself an attorney. If a Jane
    Doe warrant was issued at the time, that tolls the statute
    of limitations.
    See, it's like this. Lots of times there's evidence of a
    crime but nobody to hang it on. So the state issues a John
    Doe warrant and that gets rid of any problems with the
    statute of limitations.

    If your pal with the access said it was listed as unknown,
    why on earth did you inquire further-the state's not near as
    dumb as folk think.

    On 6/21/06, Raggedy Anne wrote:
    > I was arrested in April of 1996 for 5 lbs of marihuana? I
    > was picking up a truck from the mechanic shop for a friend
    > and all of a sudden i was being arrested for 5 pound that
    > were apparently in the gas tank. No charges were ever
    > filed. In Feb of 2006 a law emorcment friend looked it up
    > for me and the charge was listed as unknown. So, i wrote
    > that police department and clerk of court to get copies of
    > records and deposition. After waiting for a response for
    > over a month I decided to call and they told me I had a
    > drug felony charge arrest warrant with an intent to
    > distribute. Can they do this? Shouldn't this have come up
    > long ago when I got police records for jobs, or had my
    > driver's license run, or whatever? Where can I find
    > information and what should I do?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Ia the a statue of limitations on a drug felony charge?, 6/21/06, by Raggedy Anne.
  • Re: Ia the a statue of limitations on a drug felony charge?, 6/21/06, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Ia the a statue of limitations on a drug felony charge?, 6/22/06, by Raggedy Anne.

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