Re: Expunged Record... really expunged?
Posted by CT on 10/05/07
It happened in Texas. Is there anyway that I clean my record
(including the FBI data) by court order?
I really want to do whatever it takes to clean up my record. The
incident was since 12/2001.
Please advise!!!
Thank you
On 10/03/07, kcm wrote:
> Expungement really varies from state to state by law. Some
> states report the case to the criminal databank even before
> the case is settled by the court. Once the case is reported,
> the record will become public somehow no matter if it is
> expunged or not. You can spend $10 to register in
> and run a crimininal background check on you
> own, you will be surprised to find some records out there. Or
> you can spend a little bit more money to run a thorough
> background check including FBI and other agencies through your
> state criminal record custodian to make sure what is listed
> out there. I am wondering if you were convicted by the court
> or were settled by a pretrial diversion or something else. I
> guess since you have the non-disclosure, most likely you were
> settled with a pretrial diversion.
> On 10/02/07, CT wrote:
>> I just got denined from a Major company because of my
>> background check. They hired a 3rd party company who has a
>> connection with FBI. my record came back with my record and
>> the Non-Disclosure that i got from the court.
>> I searching for legal advise and see if there is anything
>> that I can do to clean up my record that FBI have which a
>> Shoplifting under $100.
>> PLease advise!!!
>> On 6/25/06, Mark wrote:
>>> I received all paperwork from the court saying my record
>> was
>>> sealed. I am applying for jobs from major companies which
>>> are not headquartered in my state. Do more companies use
>>> outsourcing or 3rd parties for background checks? What are
>>> the odds that they will still find this record from older
>>> data and it doesnt say it is expunged?