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    Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks....

    Posted by Liz on 1/12/07

    On 12/09/06, PATRICK H SKALANDIS wrote:
    I totally agree with you John. I lived in Fla for about 5 yrs
    during my young adult life, 19,20. I will try to get to the point
    without boring you with too much information.

    I was put into an uncontrolable situation that led to me getting
    into trouble with the law and getting charged with a felony. The
    guy that I thought I loved did a lot of sh*t that I didn't know
    about. Needless to say I went down with him and the fall was hard.

    Up until this point I had never been in SERIOUS trouble with the
    law. Sure I got the occasional speeding ticket, or wrote a hot
    check or 2, but NEVER anything beyond that.

    I basically got into trouble because I trusted the wrong person.
    That was my "mistake!!" The court didn't care that I was not the
    one who had committed the actual crime, they didn't care that I
    had never been in trouble with the law, in fact looking back on it
    now, I don't think that the cops evened took into consideration,
    or een cared about the affect that this would have on my Adult
    life that I now live.

    Now, I find myself trying to explain this to employers. It's like
    they don't even hear me. They don't even care about the fact that
    I haven't had any convictions in the last 20 yrs. They just stop
    listening to me once I say that I was convicted of a felony 20 yrs

    I know that I am a good person, and I have a good heart. It just
    really hurts that I have this cloud of lighting hanging over my
    head that is following me for the rest of my life and when I am
    out there looking for a decent job so I can take care of my kids,
    it rains on me every time.

    I have even sent an email to the governor of the state. Do you
    really think he replied? NO! He didn't.

    Did you know that if you write a hot check over $500/ the law
    considers that Grand Theft, which is a Felony. Does that mean that
    we should not trust that person, because we think they will steal
    something? I don't think so. But Employers will do the opposite.

    There are too many uncontrollable circumstances out there that
    could affect all of our lives in very different ways.

    I just pray for a safe environment to raise my kids in on a daily
    basis, And I pray for a second chance, to be able to have a normal
    life with a good paying job that I can feel good about(even though
    I am still looking and haven't had ANY luck) and not have to worry
    about the rain soaking me too much along the way!!! :0)


    > On 7/13/06, DALE LEE SHATTO JR wrote:
    >> On 7/04/06, John wrote:
    >>> Here is my opinion about criminal background checks. If a
    >>> person has made a criminal mistake in their past and paid
    >>> their debt to society, they need to be set FREE (Truly
    >>> FREE) and not oppressed by society for the rest of their
    >>> lives and continually held accountable for past mistakes.
    >>> I AGREE.
    >>> A criminal background check (employment, housing, etc...)
    >>> on an ex-offender only serves to oppress and discriminate
    >>> against these people based on their past mistakes. If
    >>> they have paid their debt to society, then LET them go
    >>> FREE! Truly FREE!
    >>> I AGREE
    >>> Everytime an ex-offender cannot find work, housing, or
    >>> licensing for a profession and better way of life...he or
    >>> she is placed in a desperate life situation. Depression
    >>> and Anger fills them. If this person finds him/herself
    >>> without hope of a better future or any future for that
    >>> matter, then you can most assuredly expect the CREATION of
    >>> More criminal activity, more hatred towards an unforgiving
    >>> society, and a SKYROCKETING repeat offender RECIDIVISM
    >>> rate in our national prison systems.
    >>> If ex-offenders cannot find decent work, housing, or a
    >>> better life after their release...what GOOD is their
    >>> FREEDOM..???? What good is their life! SET THEM FREE!
    >>> GIVE Ex-offenders BACK their rights to live! Stop holding
    >>> these people accountable for the rest of their lives for
    >>> past mistakes (not a damn one of us is perfect or has
    >>> never sinned), and give them the TRUE FREEDOM to better
    >>> their lives without fear of the oppression and
    >>> discrimination that comes from looking into their
    >>> backgrounds and holding this against them for the rest of
    >>> their lives. How UTTERLY RIDICULOUS and WHAT A TRAVESTY!
    >>> That is NOT JUSTICE, that is OPPRESSION! And when hope is
    >>> finally lost in the souls of these ex-offenders, you are
    >>> CREATING Criminals, NOT rehabilitating them!
    >>> You think about that!
    >>> Judge not and condemn not, lest YOU be judged!
    >>> The merciful shall obtain Mercy!
    >>> There is a higher power to listen too and obey than the
    >>> biases of mankind and His name is God Almighty whom this
    >>> nation was founded UNDER.
    >>> FREE those who are wrongly being continually oppressed and
    >>> give the Lord a mightly flood of justice and mercy towards
    >>> those in trouble, in need of help, and who are poor.
    >>> I am pissed off and angry as hell at what I see going on
    >>> around me with ex-offenders and with myself.
    >>> Unless things change, society is going to see an EXPLOSION
    >>> of criminal activity, until rights are restored to
    >>> oppressed and discriminated ex-offenders!
    >>> The whole sitaiton is PATHETIC and I am deeply ashamed!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/04/06, by John.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/04/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/04/06, by Joel.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/05/06, by John again.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/05/06, by John again.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/05/06, by Joel.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/05/06, by Joel.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 7/13/06, by DALE LEE SHATTO JR .
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 12/09/06, by PATRICK H SKALANDIS.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 1/12/07, by Liz.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 1/12/07, by Liz.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 1/13/07, by fustrated.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 1/14/07, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 2/01/07, by Marie G Huntley.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 4/10/07, by Greg L. Boykins.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 4/10/07, by Greg L. Boykins.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 5/15/07, by Harley Foyt.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 5/20/07, by Julio Pimentel, Attorney/CPA.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/04/07, by Gold.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/04/07, by Gold.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 9/28/07, by cindy williams.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 9/28/07, by CINDY WILLIAMS.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 10/09/08, by Rae.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 10/09/08, by Rae.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/07/11, by dale lee shatto jr.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/06/12, by Angel M. Ramos.
  • Re: Felonys, Misdemeanors, and Background checks...., 8/06/12, by Angel M. Ramos.

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