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    Re: Need info ASAP!! Statue of limitations 11-5-50 CA

    Posted by Carol on 7/10/06

    Courts in every state that I know of can continue to extend
    the probation by violating you. Every time you get a PV your
    probation can be continued for another peroiod of time. I"ve
    had clients whose one year probation turned into six on
    violations and new charges. You are not off of probation until
    you complete all of the terms of it. The 3 years is not a get
    out of jail free card, it means you have 3 years to what
    you're supposed to and keep you nose clean or you go to jail.
    Do what the court tells you do this time, ALL of it, or sit
    your time out in jail, it's your choice. But probation isn't
    over till they tell you it is.
    On 7/10/06, M'sta Mikey wrote:
    > On 7/09/06, Rosie wrote:
    >> Ok, like four years ago I was charged and plead no contest
    >> to being under the influence of a controlled substance in
    >> California. I had to complete PC-1000, 3 yrs informal
    >> probation, pay off rest. and go back to the courts 18mnths
    >> later to show I successfully completed the program and all
    >> the other stuff. Then my record would be expunged etc. I
    >> enrolled in PC-1000, paid off my rest. and never got into
    >> anymore trouble since. Only thing is, I didn't complete
    >> the program, I just dropped out after testing clean like4
    >> mnths because I had two jobs etc. For the next 4 years I
    >> never heard anything else about it until I got this letter
    >> in the mail stating that I needed to go to court for I
    >> think failure to comply or something like that. Judge
    >> sentenced me to re-enrole in PC-1000 and complete it and
    >> show proof. Isn't there anything like a statue of
    >> limitation for misdemeanor drug charges or whatever? I am
    >> now a single parent, off of drugs and have moved on with
    > my
    >> life. It's very expensive to do PC-1000 through Drug &
    >> Alcohol services and I really don't have time to waste on
    > a
    >> program I don't even need. IS there anything I can do to
    >> get out of doing jail time or the program at all? I really
    >> don't care if my record gets expunged or not, so that part
    >> isn't an issue of concern for me. Any help on this would
    > be
    >> greatly appreaciated. Thanks a lot, Rosie
    > If you're order by the courts to complete a program related
    > to drug charges, then it HAS to be completed. There is no
    > SOL on this. Complete the program or yes, you will face jail
    > time.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Need info ASAP!! Statue of limitations 11-5-50 CA, 7/09/06, by Rosie.
  • Re: Need info ASAP!! Statue of limitations 11-5-50 CA, 7/10/06, by M'sta Mikey.
  • Re: Need info ASAP!! Statue of limitations 11-5-50 CA, 7/10/06, by Carol.

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