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    Post: Need help FAST! plsssss

    Posted by Destine on 7/19/06

    OK So heres the sitch.

    Theres a host throghing a party and this host higers a
    Stripper for the party. Now say said Performer weas in
    every way ledt to beleive that all in attandance were of
    legal age. So the party's thrown and The stripper
    performes. However some in atandance are found to be
    minors. Is the performer liable for prosecution or fines?
    And if so what woul;d it be qualified or defined as? Its
    not Statitory rape because no sex happened. It can't be
    indecient exp. because its not to the gen. public and no
    genitals are seen. Also what if there was a contract
    involved. Stateing that I.D's or so would be checked at
    the door and everyone involved is legal. Since its a
    buisness transaction with tender a contract would be
    plasusible. So since the performer did not know that there
    were minors presant he or she cant be held responsible
    right? It would be the fault of the Hosts for defaulting
    on the contract right? eeeesg I think. I need some help
    fast. It's a nast grey area. Pls help.

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  • Need help FAST! plsssss, 7/19/06, by Destine.

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