Re: rape
Posted by M'sta Mikey on 7/26/06
On 7/25/06, john wrote: > ho basicly 12 years ago i got into a fight with my > girlfriend and she called the cops and said i raped her i > got scared and fled the country if i come back to canada > will i still be covicted or am i protected from the stutue > of limitation If you were charged then fled, there is a felony warrant for your arrest. Warrants are like diamonds, they're forever. If picked up (or when you cross the border), you will be arrested and face charges, including that of fleeing amongst others... If you are here in the states, chances are if you're stopped on a traffic violation, you will be arrested and extradicted to Canada.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- rape, 7/25/06, by john.
- Re: rape, 7/26/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: rape, 7/26/06, by v.
- Re: rape stutue of limitations, 7/27/06, by Prairie Dawg.
- Re: rape stutue of limitations, 7/27/06, by v.