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    Post: 14 Year Old Warrant for Someone Using my SSN & DOB

    Posted by NEED HELP on 8/11/06

    Does Anyone know the statute of Limitations for the State
    of Florida, for Felony charges, I was recently pulled over
    for a tailight, and a warrant came up from over 13 years
    ago with my SSN & DOB but the description of the subject
    was not my race and not even close to my size. I don't
    live in the state of Florida, and I am trying to figure
    out if there is a statute of limitations on Felony
    charges, it came up grand theft auto, but my fear of the
    court system, has me worried that this computer glitch
    will cause me much problems if I go on vacation, luckily
    the warrant is for the state of florida only, but I really
    would like to know how to go about clearing this up. I
    wasn't arrested, but this really disturbs me.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • 14 Year Old Warrant for Someone Using my SSN & DOB, 8/11/06, by NEED HELP.
  • Re: 14 Year Old Warrant for Someone Using my SSN & DOB, 8/12/06, by LKM.
  • Re: 14 Year Old Warrant for Someone Using my SSN & DOB, 8/30/06, by SD.

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