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    Re: drug charges

    Posted by detmorgan on 11/16/06

    On 10/10/06, Curmudgeon wrote:
    > It's the person that commits the crime, not the name that is
    > used. So now you're also looking at additional charges for
    > false reporting to the police officer, possibly fraud on the
    > bail agent, and who knows what else. Just make sure you
    > never get arrested again and fingerprinted. Your a** will
    > be sitting in jail for a long time because you're now a
    > flight risk.
    > On 10/10/06, enquireing minds want to know wrote:
    >> I was looking for some info on a case. If a person is
    >> arrested under an assumed name and charged with intent to
    >> distribute to an undercover officer posted bail under the
    >> assumed and never entered his own name do the charges
    >> stick and is there a statue of limitation in which the DA
    >> can file? Also if an arrest warrant was issued but no
    >> charges brought under the rightfull name can the DA charge
    >> the person without ever bringing the person to booking.If
    >> the person is ever arrested what charges would be brought
    >> up?
    The person can be convicted under a false name and sent to jail
    under the same false name. they will be charged in georgia with
    giving a false name but they will be indicted under the name
    they first used. happens a lot 1 person with two or sometimes
    three FBI numbers and names you would think they would fix this

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • drug charges, 10/10/06, by enquireing minds want to know.
  • Re: drug charges, 10/10/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: drug charges, 11/16/06, by detmorgan.

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