Post: contract impropriorities

Posted by frank michael on 10/24/06
After entering into a real estate contract, which was deemed "executed" by only my signature, Seller refuses to return deposit monies, based on not receiving Buyer's Right to Cancel letter 15 days after contract signing. After submiting to my oversight, I discovered that my copy of the original agreement,and that of the fully signed Seller's agreement,had my initials forged in different areas of the contract. My question: Is this contract still legal and in effect even though some initials, which are meant to accept and confirm, are forged? or does forgery only apply to a full signature?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- contract impropriorities, 10/24/06, by frank michael.
- Re: contract impropriorities, 10/27/06, by Res ispa Loquitur..