Re: unsigned and un recorded statements
Posted by Carol on 11/02/06
On 11/02/06, Johnathan wrote: > I made a verbal statement to police officer's in a > interrogation room. It was not recorded and i did not sign > it. The detective just took notes. When my lawyer showed > me the statement a lot of things in the statement were > things that i did not say, can that be used in my trial? > And if so why? the first rule of criminal defense: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! or if you're not fluent in English: shutta da heck youa moutha, schutten zie trap, nada worda, hanasi dame desu. Never make a statement while being interrogated without an attorney present. yes, they will probably be able to get it in if the prosecutor's worth his salt. why? ask your attorney about the rules of evidence in your state. You say you didn't say it, the cop says you did. who is the judge/jury going to believe? unless you also are a police officer who appears before that judge perhaps weekly, my money's on the cop. I don't mean to be flip, but never, never, never, NEVER talk to the police if you are being investigated without first talking with an attorney. hopefully your attorney can do damage control and keep the statements out but don't bet the farm.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- unsigned and un recorded statements, 11/02/06, by Johnathan.
- Re: unsigned and un recorded statements, 11/02/06, by Carol.