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    Re: staute of limitation on felony drug charges in kansas

    Posted by Carol on 11/28/06

    On 11/28/06, maggie wrote:
    > what is the time on drug charges for staue of limitation
    > what does this actualluy mean does it maen that if a
    > preson goes on the run instead of doing the prison time
    > issued by the court is threr a time when the court can no
    > longer hold that preson responsible for that sentecne
    The statute of limitations is the time limit that the state
    has to charge a person with a crime. Once you're charged
    with a crime that's it, if you rabbit the statute of
    limitations stops right then. the charge and sentence never
    goes away.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • staute of limitation on felony drug charges in kansas, 11/28/06, by maggie.
  • Re: staute of limitation on felony drug charges in kansas, 11/28/06, by Carol.

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