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    Re: Background Check

    Posted by Harley Foyt on 5/15/07

    On 2/27/07, Soņia wrote:
    > I have a situation here. I applied for a job at a
    > newstation to work in their accounting dept. The
    > interviewer told me and this other candidate qualify for
    > this one open position. I told the interviewer that I
    > have a DUI and it happened in 2005 but she was fine with
    > it and furthermore on the application it only asks you if
    > you ever committed in FELONIES which I marked no because I
    > haven't. She cut some hair from me for DNA testing or
    > drug testing which I don't have anything to hide because
    > I've already told her about my DUI but I didn't tell her
    > during my teenage years, I was charged but NEVER arrested
    > on separate times of 3rd degree assault which both cases
    > misdemeanors. I am thinking that the reason why I didn't
    > get the position because of those incidents that occurred
    > but my question is wouldn't my record be expunged since
    > they occurred during my teenage years. These incidents
    > happened in Grand Island, NE. Could someone give me an
    > advice about doing my own background check? What agency?
    > If these still listed can I get them expunged? What do I
    > need to do? Please advice or help me!!!!

    I suspect your not being hired has much more to do with your
    relative lack of literacy skills.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Background Check, 2/27/07, by Soņia.
  • Re: Background Check, 5/15/07, by Harley Foyt.

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