Post: shoplifting

Posted by Jenny on 6/04/07
I was caught shoplifting with my friend well actually it wasnt me who was it was her we went to this store called burkes outlet and she started shoplifting and i told ehr to stop and she told me to rrelax so i walked away when i came back she said she had to get something out of my bag so i didnt think nothing about it so she had put a tanktop kinda thing in my bag so i lloked in it and saw it and picked it up and asked her what it was and a lady walked by so i kinda put it back in there so she wouldnt see it and so i told niki it wasnt cool and she was like just walk were leaving so we get out of the store and a guy says you two come here now so we walk over to him and he said yall both know why im callin you right and niki said no he said dont play stupid i was soo scared so i tried to act calm so we went back in the back and he asked us all these questions and i took up for niki and said i did it too. i hate myself for that now i want to slap niki! well the guy said he had to call the police and report it and we would have to go through the system and djj. i started crying and niki was just like fine with it ive never done anything bad before and now i have to go to court and im so scared. i should have never went with her because now i feel guilty. Thank you for your time
Posts on this thread, including this one
- shoplifting, 6/04/07, by Jenny.
- Re: shoplifting, 6/20/07, by Doctor.