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    Post: Endangering my life - want divorce

    Posted by nmcguire on 6/14/07

    I have posted a message under the divorce category ... but
    got no answer. I would like to know if my case could be
    initiated via criminal charges being that my
    schizophrenic/bipolar husband picks garbage from the
    neighborhood garbage cans on the street and brings food,
    clothing, etc. into our apartment and my husband and I
    both having Hep C - he is now exposing me to disease-
    ridden garbage and risking my life after I've had 2 prior
    heart attacks, Hep C and respiratory problems. I need to
    do something. Our son is deeply emotionally destroyed
    over this situation and he is threatening suicide for
    feeling there is no way out. Isn't this considered
    criminal? Divorce attys want to charge me an enormous fee
    when it is my life that is in danger. I am going to go to
    the press about this. I am going to expose everyone who
    is turning me down. They are totally aware of the danger
    I am in and no one will help me without big money. A pro
    bono atty won't touch me unless I am referred by a non-
    profit organization. Please tell me the name of a non-
    profit organization. I am not poverty level, but my money
    is spoken for being that I also help support a 101 year
    old grandmother and very ill mother aside from my son and
    myself. PLEASE ... SOMEONE ... REPLY.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Endangering my life - want divorce, 6/14/07, by nmcguire.

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