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    Re: Stopping someone's elses creditors from calling me

    Posted by v on 7/15/07

    On 7/13/07, Some Lawyer Guy wrote:
    That's what you gotta do Sue. Sue. How bout creditors calling
    my neighbors, looking for my son who dosen't live with me. I'm
    not a dead beat. I'm not responsable for his debts. They go to
    any lenghs to collect.

    > On 7/12/07, Sue wrote:
    >> My daughter used our phone # when she applied credit. Now
    >> the creditors keep calling me looking for her. I keep
    >> telling them that this isn't her phone #, and to stop
    >> calling here, but they still call back day after day. What
    >> can I do to get them to stop calling here. I work odd
    >> hours, and most of the time they wake me up.
    > You have to get their name, number, & address and send them
    > a cease and desist letter. Create a paper trail.
    > If your daughter lives with you, don't push the issue. If
    > she doesn't live with you find a hungry attorney with a beef
    > against the credit card industry. Someone hates them enough
    > to sue them on contingency for harassing you if you put the
    > paper trail together.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Stopping someone's elses creditors from calling me, 7/12/07, by Sue.
  • Re: Stopping someone's elses creditors from calling me, 7/13/07, by Some Lawyer Guy.
  • Re: Stopping someone's elses creditors from calling me, 7/15/07, by v.

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