Re: Law practice question
Posted by GtG on 1/14/08
Generally, an attorney bills the client for actual time spent working on the case. This may include things like research, time in court room, interviews, etc. Other administrative tasks are often billed at a different rate. Additional costs such as witness fees, court reporters, travel costs, etc can be billed separately and in addition to the hourly rate of the attorney. On 11/25/07, Lawhopeful wrote: > Is it standanrd practice for a lawyer to > received all his court costs (including > attorney fees,paralegal fees,expert witness > fees,court reporter, etc.)if he wins the case? > Or does he just pay his costs out his final > judgment that he receives?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Law practice question, 11/25/07, by Lawhopeful.
- Re: Law practice question, 11/28/07, by rrr.
- Re: Law practice question, 1/14/08, by GtG.