Re: Law practice question
Posted by rrr on 11/28/07
Its customary that all costs associated with the case are paid from the client's portion. The dispute is usually whether the Attorney takes his percentage before or after the costs have been paid, and its prudent to specifically state the method of calculation in the written agreement. On 11/25/07, Lawhopeful wrote: > Is it standanrd practice for a lawyer to > received all his court costs (including > attorney fees,paralegal fees,expert witness > fees,court reporter, etc.)if he wins the case? > Or does he just pay his costs out his final > judgment that he receives?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Law practice question, 11/25/07, by Lawhopeful.
- Re: Law practice question, 11/28/07, by rrr.
- Re: Law practice question, 1/14/08, by GtG.