Re: ACD - 6 months...what does that mean?
Posted by kcm on 1/18/08
It stands for "adjournment in contemplation of dismissal."
The judge essentially puts the case on hold for a few months
(time length depending on the state or the judge). If the
defendant's behavior during that time is satisfactory, the
charges are dismissed.
The ACD starts from the court date not from the arresting
date. So, if you went to court, say Aug. 1, the ACD should
end till Feb. 1. Before that, the case is still suspended
On 12/11/07, bob wrote:
> please help
> i was picked up about 7 months ago for shoplifting
> the sum came to about 300 dollars
> i was bought up on a misdemeanor charge and was then
> offered an ACD. i took it. I stayed out of trouble....
> went to the stoplift class. went back to the office and
> handed everything in proving i went to the classes.
> i recently applied for a job, thinking everything was
> cleared up. turns out, something wasnt. i was picked up
> back in may, the 15th to be exact. 6 months and some days
> later....november 23, I figured every thing was gonna be
> ok. how come it wasnt? does anyone know why? is it
> because the 6 month period....does that mean the end of
> the month? ...meaning in december...everything will be
> fine?
> do i have to do something to complete the ACD process?
> friends have recommended to me that i get a lawyer and
> make sure everything is figured out. unfortunately, im
> not rich, i cant afford one. is there a place i can go to
> to straighten everything out myself? like a website? or
> should i visit the precinct? or even go back the central
> bookings or court house? please help. thanks much!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- ACD - 6 months...what does that mean?, 12/11/07, by bob.
- Re: ACD - 6 months...what does that mean?, 1/18/08, by kcm.