Post: death case

Posted by Carla on 3/31/09
I'm looking for help on my brothers death case. The case was handled very bad, I believe b/c he was gay. I have fought the case for 4 yrs now. They have re-opened the case. They have changed the death cert. but thats about it. They don't want to help us at all. I believe cause they didn't do their job to start with. They only did all of that b/c they had to. My brother was found "crosswise in bed. ( almost face down) Boxers pulled part way down, and shirt pulled up by his neck. And what looks like bruises and a big abrasion , with skin hanging on his leg. Not in listed in any reports! They ruled his death natural from acute bronchitis. I do have all pics and reports. And a patlologist that believe it was homicide. Please email me at if you can try and help. Thanks, Carla
Posts on this thread, including this one
- death case, 3/31/09, by Carla.