Post: Fiance changed locks on joint apt.

Posted by jamie on 6/17/09
this is in westmoreland co pa. my fiance and i rented an apt 3 years ago, we are both on the lease. he changed the locks on me yesterday and won't give me a key, says that he wants me out. our landlord had no knowledge of this, and does not have a key to even let me back in. he is trying to keep the apt even though i am currently 8 months pregnant with his son. my plan is to get back into the apt and refuse to leave, and ask him to. i plan on letting him stay there until he can come up with enough $$ to get his own place. how can i go about doing this so i don't break any laws? can i legally bust the lock off to get back in since its also in my name, and all my stuff is in there ? i already know how to handle the child custody stuff since i've been helping him see his 2 daughters from a previous relationship, just need help with putting a roof over my and our son's head.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Fiance changed locks on joint apt., 6/17/09, by jamie.
- Re: Fiance changed locks on joint apt., 4/08/10, by Jessica.