Post: Shoplifting

Posted by Kt on 12/28/09
A few days ago.. I was in dullards and had an impulse to take a pair of pants. The clerk suspected I had taken them but had no proof so she couldn't stop me. I got a half a mile away from the mall when I was pulled over by a police officer. He asked to see my id and even though I knew I wasn't speeding I gave it to him. He informed mr he knew the clerk at the store and that if I didn't follow him to the store he would find another reason to arrest me. I admitted to my crime right away. I was very ashamed. He told me when we returned to the store he would not arrest me. When we got to the department store he did indeed arrest mr with theft under one hundred dollars. I was brougt to jail, booked and was released in less than an hour. My question is how worried should I be and will I need a lawyer? What is the most common punishment for this sort of misdemeanor. It us my first. Your input will be greatly appreciated.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Shoplifting, 12/28/09, by Kt.