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    Re: Prosecuting a Lost Prevention Agent

    Posted by Jason on 10/08/10

    On 9/24/10, John wrote:
    > Can a Lost prevention Agent be prosecuted for a non
    > productive stop, also called of a bad stop with the Police
    > involvement?
    > I understand crimes against person, eg... illegal
    > detaintion, kidnapping per state stutues. Please help me.
    > Im very scared to make a bad stop. I never accuse anyone
    > stealing even if I witnessed the crime.

    Its difficult to ascertain from your statement what
    specifically your looking for, I can assume, but assumptions
    get nowhere quick!

    However, I might add that unless you are a sworn officer-
    which i don't think loss prevention officers/agents are-you
    are not a government actor and therefor are not subject to
    the same processes that restrict a duly sworn officer, i.e.
    detentions, stops, questioning, etc. you are acting on
    behalf on that company. You could however be subject to a
    tort claim, but these days most anyone can. Check with your
    legal department is the best advice I can provide you.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Prosecuting a Lost Prevention Agent, 9/24/10, by John.
  • Re: Prosecuting a Lost Prevention Agent, 10/08/10, by Jason.

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