Post: macys loss prevention

Posted by ee on 6/22/11
okay i was an employee for macys and one day the lp manager called me up and proceded to tell me the coupons i used totalling 40 dollars was done the day after the coupons were done being handed out. however i asked three managers if we were still giving them out and they said yes... so i didnt know if they were done being handed out or not so obviously thats why i asked. then she proceded to tell me i had given coupons to my mom which was totally not true i never did no such thing, she said she had me on camera, that there were cameras i couldnt see. i said go get the video then i never did that! so she keeps asking me questions and im up there for like two hours repeating the same answers. isnt this coercion. and "if" i did anything doesnt she need proof.? i mean thats harrassment.right?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- macys loss prevention, 6/22/11, by ee.