Post: Happy A-tryin' Cases

Posted by Hardy Parkerson, J.D. on 8/01/09
I've practiced law for forty years or more,
Defended killers, rapists and once a whore;
I've even represented pimps
And I've been held for four contempts.
At trying cases some say I'm the best
And with the gift of blarney I've blest;
I'd represent the Devil for a fee
And sometimes I even represent 'em free.
When I see an ambulance, I see green
And sometimes I even beat 'em to the scene.
Many are the closing arguments I have made
And sometimes I even take my fee in trade.
If you get indicted, just reach me by phone;
Just bring your bill-fold and come right on;
Just let this old lawyer play his game;
You pay my fee and I'll clear your name.
Don't worry if you've missed your child support;
I'll take good care of you in family court.
I'm pretty good at handling my docket
For I got a few of them judges in my pocket.
In them judges' opinion I'm not top rank,
But I laugh at them judges all the way to the bank;
My son goes to Harvard Law, my daugter to Yale;
And all them other judges can go straight to...O well!
(Humor intended! Poetical license allowed. POETIS MENTIRI
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- Happy A-tryin' Cases, 8/01/09, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..