Post: Free e-journal for litigators

Posted by Rita R. Handrich, PhD on 7/24/08
The American Society of Trial Consultants is publishing an
electronic journal for attorneys and all those interested
in the application of the social sciences to the law. The
e-journal features articles by academics, researchers,
popular writers and speakers, and trial consultants. Our
focus is on practical tips for litigators and on the
accurate interpretation/translation of social sciences
theory into practice.
The current issue has articles on case themes, witness
preparation, how to help witnesses remember more, an
overview of the eye-witness research, using RSS for legal
information, a new form of forensic animation, using
religion research at trial and in depositions, and more.
We publish six times a year and subscriptions are free.
Take a look at us and if you like us, subscribe and tell
your colleagues. The URL is: Feel free to
pass this announcement along to colleagues, other mailing
lists you are on, and interested others.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Free e-journal for litigators, 7/24/08, by Rita R. Handrich, PhD.