Post: californiaonlinelawschools. com

Posted by ld on 11/09/07
I have seen people asking about the different programs for the distance learning law schools. I found this site and i was contacted back, its got every program with every school, even costs. they answeree some of my questions and I ordered a copy. I have been unable to find any books at all that just details the online schools, and this one seems to be good. They even told me about a online Jd and LLB in australia. anxious to see the book. I would check it out for those considering schools, and it alos says about online ABA programs
Posts on this thread, including this one
- californiaonlinelawschools. com, 11/09/07, by ld.
- Re: californiaonlinelawschools. com, 11/17/07, by YL.