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    Re: Is an Online JD or nonbar eJD degree Worth It?

    Posted by Shaye on 3/08/09

    Very valid points along with a good question. I am facing the
    same delima. I have also read that many people who are in debt
    of 100k or more cannot find a job that pays them well enough to
    pay off those student loans and many of them are not working as

    I was going to go for a EJD but Concords EJD i believe is non
    bar. I decided maybe to go for a masters in legal studies
    because I have no intention of becoming a practicing attorney

    You must weigh all factors when making a big decision such as
    this one. Some of my class mates in the bachelors program have
    to drop out because of lack of finanical aid which is a big
    concern for me in law school.

    Keep me posted on your decision.

    On 5/06/08, Chu wrote:
    > Officer Mike,
    > The 1st best is an ABA JD degree.
    > The 2nd best is a JD online with Regional Accreditation.
    > The 3rd best is a JD or eJD online with DETC Accreditation.
    > The 4th best is a JD or eJD online with no Accreditation.
    > The 5th best any eJD nonbar degree is better than none at all.
    > If you want to practice law you must get a bar eligible degree.
    > If you just want personal knowledge, satisfaction, career
    > advancement or want to practice quasi-law(mediation,tax
    > law,SSA,patent law, other fed/state administrative type
    > forums) a nonbar eJD can give you the knowledge and training
    > you may need or want. You can always enhance your nonbar eJD
    > with specialized training and law courses as your career
    > progresses.
    > You must consider the cost of your degree for what you want to
    > get out of it. Best regards, Chu
    >> On 5/06/08, Mike wrote:
    >>> I am a police officer in NY seeking to gain the personal
    >>> satisfaction of obtaining a law degree. Of course, I also
    >>> want the degree to be worth something to someone. I would
    >>> like the degree to be on my resume and be of some
    >> substance
    >>> as a law degree to help to further my career and give me
    >>> future career options as well as personal satisfaction.
    >>> I understand that one can sit for the CA Bar after
    >>> successful completion of many of these online law schools,
    >>> but that is not my intent as I do not necessarily plan on
    >>> being a practicing attorney or moving to California. I
    >>> would, however, like to have the option to continue my
    >>> legal education after earning one of these online JD
    >>> degrees at an accredited institution without starting from
    >>> scratch.
    >>> I guess my question boils down to the title of this post…
    >>> is an online BSL, JD, or eJD worth anything to anyone more
    >>> than just personal knowledge and satisfaction? I do not
    >>> want to waste time and money studying for a degree than no
    >>> one recognizes as having been earned. Is a degree from
    >>> Concord or Taft more recognized because of their
    >>> accreditation status?
    >>> I appreciate any input from those currently studying law,
    >>> either with traditional institutions, online, or anyone
    >>> else that can weigh in with real knowledge on this issue.
    >>> Thank you,
    >>> Mike

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Is it worth anything?, 5/06/08, by Mike.
  • Re: Is it worth anything?, 5/06/08, by --.
  • Re: Is an Online JD or nonbar eJD degree Worth It?, 5/06/08, by Chu.
  • Re: Is an Online JD or nonbar eJD degree Worth It?, 3/08/09, by Shaye.

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