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    Post: Is it worth anything?

    Posted by Mike on 5/06/08

    I am a police officer in NY seeking to gain the personal
    satisfaction of obtaining a law degree. Of course, I also
    want the degree to be worth something to someone. I would
    like the degree to be on my resume and be of some substance
    as a law degree to help to further my career and give me
    future career options as well as personal satisfaction.

    I understand that one can sit for the CA Bar after
    successful completion of many of these online law schools,
    but that is not my intent as I do not necessarily plan on
    being a practicing attorney or moving to California. I
    would, however, like to have the option to continue my
    legal education after earning one of these online JD
    degrees at an accredited institution without starting from

    I guess my question boils down to the title of this post…
    is an online BSL, JD, or eJD worth anything to anyone more
    than just personal knowledge and satisfaction? I do not
    want to waste time and money studying for a degree than no
    one recognizes as having been earned. Is a degree from
    Concord or Taft more recognized because of their
    accreditation status?

    I appreciate any input from those currently studying law,
    either with traditional institutions, online, or anyone
    else that can weigh in with real knowledge on this issue.

    Thank you,


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Is it worth anything?, 5/06/08, by Mike.
  • Re: Is it worth anything?, 5/06/08, by --.
  • Re: Is an Online JD or nonbar eJD degree Worth It?, 5/06/08, by Chu.
  • Re: Is an Online JD or nonbar eJD degree Worth It?, 3/08/09, by Shaye.

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