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    Re: NWCU Law

    Posted by C on 8/31/08

    I did start NWCU in July and couldn't be happier... it is not easy and
    I could def. see how alot of people could quit rather quickly... ( I
    will not be one of them) ... I plan on using the school for as much as
    I can and will most likely take the mock baby bar at the campus twice
    as well as the Flemings... and Tim Tylers ... it requires a lot of
    reading as expected and the prof are pretty good on answering
    questions... also they have chats 4 days a week... I am out of CA so I
    will have work to do even after I grad. and pass the bar...

    good luck


    On 8/19/08, Patrick wrote:
    > Ryan:
    > I haven't started yet just finally made a choice. Need to knock
    > out some CLEP tests first.
    > As to the materials, I don't know if the audios are required but,
    > as I'm an auditory learner, it will be something I'll invest in.
    > However, you can find almost everything on and a couple
    > of other places. Shopping around can definitely save money on
    > books, etc.
    > Perhaps we'll get started at about the same time. Who knows?
    > Would enjoy having someone to email with.
    > Patrick
    > On 8/17/08, Ryan wrote:
    >> Hi Patrick,
    >> Thanks for the post... Just wondering how useful you found
    >> the "recommended" material on the Bookstore website for NWCU? Do
    >> you think the Audio material is required or is more of a
    >> supplement? Also how many hours a week did you find you needed
    >> to spend on adequatley covering the material in this program?
    >> Did you take a prep course for the BBbar? If so which one and
    >> was it what you expected/useful? Thanks again!
    >> On 8/13/08, Patrick wrote:
    >>> After looking at all the online options, I have chosen NWCU
    >>> for a couple reasons. One is that I am disciplined enough to
    >>> work within that program. Second, I am very motivated to
    >>> complete this. The cost was a tertiary consideration not a
    >>> primary.
    >>> However, and I think this is important, I am supplementing the
    >>> NWCU program in a couple of ways. I'm a legal assistant in a
    >>> law firm now and have access to five attorneys for questions,
    >>> answers, and discussion.
    >>> Just as important, I will be auditing classes at a local law
    >>> school so will get actual class time.
    >>> As it happens, my supervising attorney has me focusing on
    >>> immigration law and building a practice for the firm.
    >>> Thus, there are a multitude of considerations. I can
    >>> certainly understand how there would be a very high attrition
    >>> rate under this methodology.
    >>> A couple of questions for "C." Do you use the Blackboard chat
    >>> very much and has the helped you? Second, how did you do on
    >>> your Baby Bar and did you take a prep course for that? Thanks
    >>> for your time and answers.
    >>> Patrick
    >>> On 7/10/08, N wrote:
    >>>> On 6/10/08, C wrote:
    >>>>> Anyone attended or heard anything...??
    >>>>> Thanks in advance
    >>>> I am in my 2nd year at NWCU.
    >>>> If you are disciplined, willing to study hard on your own,
    >>>> and don't expect anybody to carry you, its a good program at
    >>>> a very low price.
    >>>> However, lots of people seem to enroll and then drop out by
    >>>> the end of the first year when they see how hard it is; No
    >>>> body said any law schgool was easy.
    >>>> Good luck...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • NWCU Law, 6/10/08, by C.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 7/10/08, by N.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 8/13/08, by Patrick.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 8/17/08, by Ryan.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 8/19/08, by Patrick.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 8/31/08, by C.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 8/31/08, by Ryan.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 9/28/08, by Sean Gaynor.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 9/28/08, by steve.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 9/28/08, by Sean Gaynor.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 11/02/08, by Dolphin.
  • Re: NWCU Law, 11/22/11, by BOBBY G..

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