Re: DETC...
Posted by ABA and very proud I chose that route on 1/10/09
DETC accrediation will let you tell people your degree is accredited and yes it is real accreditation. But it has no effect on BAR ADMISSION ! On 1/10/09, -- wrote: > On 1/10/09, No. There is no benefit. wrote: >> There is no benefit to DETC accreditation. Northwestern >> California received a five year operating permit from the >> state bar in August of 2008. That is plenty of time for >> someone to complete the program if they enroll before August >> of 2009. >> >> I am interested to see what the fake lawyer and ABA grad >> guy/girl on this site will say about this... > > The main, perhaps only, benefit is financial aid. > > If you enroll in a DETC accredited school, you > will be eligible to participate in the low > interest, government guaranteed Stafford loan > program just like a real student. Otherwise, I > don't see any benefit in DETC accreditation.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- DETC..., 1/10/09, by anticipatory rah pudey.
- Re: DETC..., 1/10/09, by ABA grad.
- Re: DETC..., 1/10/09, by --.
- Re: DETC..., 1/10/09, by No. There is no benefit. .
- Re: DETC..., 1/10/09, by Real Lawyer Real Degree.
- Re: DETC..., 1/10/09, by --.
- Re: DETC..., 1/10/09, by ABA and very proud I chose that route.