Re: Calif Bar with only LLM but no JD or LLB degree
Posted by steve on 4/05/09
Hi Peter, How did you get into ABA LLM without JD or foreign law degree? Where are you getting your LLM degree? On 4/05/09, Peter wrote: > Good day all: > > Can you take the California bar exam with just an ABA > accredited LLM but no JD or foreign law degree? Because I > am a general applicant with engineering undergraduate > degrees but I will obtain my LLM degree. > > Thanks
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Calif Bar with only LLM but no JD or LLB degree, 4/05/09, by Peter.
- Re: Calif Bar with only LLM but no JD or LLB degree, 4/05/09, by steve.