Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission
Posted by .... on 10/02/08
Well you are probably right, my medical experience is limited to certification in ATLS, ACLS, EMT-P and being a combat medical specialist in the army. Not sure why you think I am putting you down - thats what everyone else on here is doing - but I am not. I just call it like I see it. Get over it. Except whats with the monkey thing anyway? You seem obsessed... If you think you are ever going to get intelligent and qualified discussions on this board you are going to be disappointed. This board is anonymous, and has always been trolled by ignorant and egotisitcal morons who claim to be ABA lawyers and/or ABA law students who preach of the impending doom of DL law schools in California. Keyboard warriors that are all hard here in the safety of their interweb presence. Of course in the real world they tap out like the biitches they really are.... 5 years ago when I first found this "board" the conversations where exactly the same as they are now. They will be the same five years from now. And DL law schools will still be here. There are a lot of scumbags that become lawyers. It just so happens there is an unusually high number of them lurking this board. On 10/01/08, Crown Prince wrote: > It is rather psychic of you to suggest what I meant to imply. You can deduct whatever you want from what I said, but it > doesn't change what I meant. I have been posting to this board for nearly two years, and have never suggested that I have > made it big in disability law. Quite frankly, I don't even know why it is that you seek to put me down, especially since I do > not, nor do I have any desire to be the type of person you are claiming I am trying to be. Get a life. If anything, I have > been candid about shortcomings, medical problems, failing the baby bar twice (passed the 3rd time, thank God!). I > don't blow smoke, and have no reason to lie. I am becoming tired of this. > > I am here to talk about distance learning law schools and the legal community. If you want to put me down, fine. If you are > jealous that I succeeded in my few cases, fine. Remember, though, luck had nothing to do with it. "Luck is the residue of > design" (quote from Branch Rickey). > > I don't claim to be well versed in disability law--hell, I even suspended my own practice to do other things in my life (like > focusing on passing the bar in a year and a half). My medical experience, however, is most likely superior and more > diversified than yours, even given my young age. > > Any monkey can win a social security case. I am not saying it is easy, but it can be done. Congrats to you for what you do, > but you are not special for it, and winning cases does not make you super smart. Get over yourself. >
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- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/06/06, by Joel.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/06/06, by A real lawyer here.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/06/06, by Joel.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/06/06, by Joel.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/07/06, by Yes I am a Real Lawyer.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/07/06, by A real lawyer.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/08/06, by Joel.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 7/08/06, by A real G.D. lawyer trying to help someone understand.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 8/01/06, by JD wannabe.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 8/01/06, by ABA graduate.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 8/29/06, by Jonathan Levy.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 2/22/07, by Perspective student.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 3/02/07, by Crown Prince.
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- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 6/22/07, by cmcdonald.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/24/07, by Prostective Student.
- Re: Long Distance Legal Researcher, 7/24/07, by Uh, that should have read perspective, not prostective.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/05/08, by --.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/05/08, by Crown Prince.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/11/08, by steve.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/12/08, by Crown Prince.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/12/08, by GO ABA GO.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/12/08, by Crown Prince.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/12/08, by Go ABA Go.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/12/08, by twallstbroker.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/12/08, by Finally ABA resolved.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/28/08, by LD.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/28/08, by LD.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/28/08, by --.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/29/08, by Crown Prince.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/29/08, by Think about it.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/29/08, by --.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 9/30/08, by Crown Prince.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 10/01/08, by Crown Prince.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 10/01/08, by WSCL lol.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 10/01/08, by Crown Prince.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 10/01/08, by steve.
- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 10/02/08, by WSCL disability rep and soon to be a lawyer and stuff.
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- Re: LL.M degree will not get you bar admission, 10/02/08, by Curmudgeon.
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