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    Re: WCSL

    Posted by Jeff on 11/11/09

    Dom is a very angry individual. I hope he gets over his hatred toward
    correspondence law schools. I also hope he stops claiming to be an ABA
    graduate. Everybody knows that LLMS are NOT accredited by the ABA.

    On 11/09/09, Dom dela Louise? wrote:
    > Who is Dom?
    > It always comes up and nobody on
    > the site knows who the heck Dom is?
    > On 11/09/09, Jeff wrote:
    >> Poor Dom. Too bad he can't get over his infatuation with his bad law
    >> school experience. I hope he gets over what is eating at him.
    >> On 11/09/09, Close WCSL website down wrote:
    >>> My name is NOT Dom and I didnt
    >>> go to Saratoga. Also neither of
    >>> those 2 things have anything to
    >>> do with WCSL, you must be a law
    >>> student, unable to focus on the
    >>> issues before you, thus failing
    >>> in law school again, or failing
    >>> to pass the bar again.
    >>> My posted comments were talking about 3 very
    >>> bad closed down law schools and
    >>> you bring up 2 issues that not only
    >>> have nothing to do with the post
    >>> but that are also INCORRECT.
    >>> Good luck in your law school
    >>> studies....perhaps a remedial reading
    >>> course is necessary as well.
    >>> On 11/09/09, Jeff wrote:
    >>>> Dom is still angry about being screwed by Saratoga. Poor guy.
    >>>> On 11/08/09, Somebody tell him to shut his website down wrote:
    >>>>> Imagine if you were unlucky enough to have
    >>>>> graduated from WCSL...The idiot that ran
    >>>>> the school still has his website up and
    >>>>> still has posted the letter from the State
    >>>>> Bar of California telling him his crappy
    >>>>> law school is being closed down.
    >>>>> Only a nut case would post that letter
    >>>>> from the State Bar on his website.
    >>>>> Any graduates from the West Coast School
    >>>>> of Law, should never mention where they
    >>>>> graduated from, lol !
    >>>>> Saratoga, British-American and West Coast....
    >>>>> 3 examples of 3 really, really bad correspondence
    >>>>> law schools.
    >>>>> On 11/07/09, Res Ipsa Loco wrote:
    >>>>>> I got my transcripts (and a partial refund) just before the school
    >>>>>> got shut down. I transferred (losing about three months of study
    >>>>>> from my third year). I would send the requests certified mail,
    >>>>>> return receipt. I would also do the same to the CBE. Stallings
    >>>>>> drags his feet, but if you hold his feet to the fire he will get
    >>>>>> moving. Stroke or not, that is not your problem. The way he didn't
    >>>>>> tell anyone that the school was about to be shut down was horrible
    >>>>>> (I actually found out the school was probably going to be shut down
    >>>>>> through this chatroom, I have no respect for the man,
    >>>>>> stroke or not. He deserves anything he gets. He messed with my
    >>>>>> money and my time. Good riddance!
    >>>>>> Res Ipsa Loco
    >>>>>> On 11/06/09, shihan wrote:
    >>>>>>> The school was closed down but that doesn't change the fact that
    >>>>>>> it was a good school and his methodology worked. I started with
    >>>>>>> West Coast when it was still California Correspondence Law
    >>>>>>> School. David Stallings was a good man and I am sorry to hear
    >>>>>>> about the school and his stroke. Having attended ABA and non-
    >>>>>>> ABA I won't join in on the argument - just wanted to say I liked
    >>>>>>> it and it was as good of a bar prep course as Barbri or the old
    >>>>>>> West Law.
    >>>>>>> On 9/29/09, Jeff wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Dom is always so cheerful... He always brightens my day!
    >>>>>>>> Good luck with law school amigos!
    >>>>>>>> On 9/29/09, Guy would went to a real accredited law school
    >>>>>>>> wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> PEOPLE
    >>>>>>>>> The State of California CLOSED DOWN FOREVER
    >>>>>>>>> West Coast School of Law......move on to
    >>>>>>>>> another law school
    >>>>>>>>> On 9/28/09, twallstbroker wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>> Is there any update on the WCSL or Dean Stallings? Please
    >>>>>>>>>> advise

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • WCSL, 9/28/09, by twallstbroker.
  • Re: WCSL, 9/28/09, by Slick Willy.
  • Re: WCSL, 9/29/09, by Guy would went to a real accredited law school.
  • Re: WCSL, 9/29/09, by Jeff.
  • Re: WCSL, 9/29/09, by Jeff.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/06/09, by shihan.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/07/09, by Res Ipsa Loco.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/08/09, by Somebody tell him to shut his website down.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/09/09, by Jeff.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/09/09, by Close WCSL website down.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/09/09, by Jeff.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/09/09, by Dom dela Louise?.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/11/09, by Jeff.
  • Re: WCSL, 11/12/09, by Dom.

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