Post: California Online Law Schools

Posted by Patrick on 10/27/10
Hi All:
Over the last few weeks, I have been moving forward with my
goal of studying through one of the online law schools.
Have two classes left to finish up my Associates degree -
just so that is done. Then, I will move to the next step.
Along the way, something very important hit me. I had made
up my mind to go with the California School of Law - great
pass rates on the Baby Bar and all. Most recent results
were 75% rather than the previous 100%. That is when it
dawned on me. For us - for those of us who decide to go
this way - it isn't up to the school. It is 100% up to
us. If this is what we want, to become attorneys, then
nothing is going to stop us. The school may help a bit,
but it's our dedication and commitment that gets us there.
Okay, so the guy with the thumbs up is pretty dorky
looking. I'm going with Northwestern California University
School of Law. Very reasonably priced. People have
graduated from there and passed the Bar. Like I said, it's
all up to us.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- California Online Law Schools, 10/27/10, by Patrick.