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    Post: "Terry" or "Whren"?

    Posted by pat on 2/03/03

    Can anyone refer me further (us supreme or 9th cir, or
    state of oregon) on issue of when a traffic stop
    (ostensibly) becomes a "Terry" stop?...I was arrested
    jan 18, 2003 and have not seen the police report
    yet...Relevant facts: City of Portland police officer
    observed me driving past him, in a "high crime"
    neighborhood, going in the opposite direction. Three
    streets later, I signal a right turn to go home. Now
    nearly six blocks away, officer views this (and a crack in
    my left taillight) in his rear view mirror and u-turns...I
    turn right...A van turns onto the same street behind
    me...As I signal another right turn (I live at the
    intersection), the officer turns onto the same street, but
    his view of my car is obstructed by the van...I turn the
    corner, park the car, turn the engine off and get out of
    the car with the keys in my hand...The officer races
    around the corner and, without sirens or lights twirling,
    accosts me crossing the street to my house...Shining
    his spotlight, he jumps out of his cruiser and yells, "Get
    back in the car!"...I protest, "But officer, I'm home, I'm
    going to my house, I live here!"...His response is even
    more threatening, "I said get back in the car and roll
    down the windows!!"...At this point, fearful of my
    personal security and heedful of the prudent advice to
    never resist the commands of an officer, I got back in
    the car and rolled the windows down...The rest is bad
    history...Without EVER identifying himself or explaining
    the nature of the investigatory "stop," and before he
    even asks me for i.d., his first words at the side of my
    car are, "I smell marijuana. Whose got the marijuana?
    (I had a passenger)...OK, we can do this the hard way
    or the east way. Now give it up!"...Eventually, we were
    both handcuffed, booked, printed and released...My first
    appearance in court is scheduled for Feb 18, 2003...
    Sorry about the length of the post...All ideas are
    welcome!...Thank you...

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • "Terry" or "Whren"?, 2/03/03, by pat .

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