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    Re: Tips

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Attorney on 2/26/03

    Dear George,
    I notice that noone has answered your letter since back
    February 12. What's going on, George? Is someone taking tips
    away from you or somebody else? If so, who is taking them.
    Of course, the state can tax you on tips, for they are
    income, and the Federal Government can do that too. But the
    state, nor the Federal Government can't take your tips away
    from you. Is your employer taking them away from you? Or
    making yout throw them into a pool (fund) to be shared by all
    employees. I think that is the way the Casinos do it in Lake
    Charles. Don't know, but it must be legal, or they probably
    wouldn't be doing it that way. Now you say that Federal law
    requires that an employee retain his tips. I do know the
    Casinos make their employees (dealers at the tables) pitch
    their tips into a pool to be shared by all employees equally.
    At least I think I am right on this. But tell me what is
    happening here, and maybe I can give you a little better of
    an answer. You ask whether or not the state should have to
    take you to court to deprive you (you say "us") of your
    liberty and property. Yes, that is correct; but the state
    does have the right to tax your income, and tips are surely
    income that has to be reported. But what is happening that
    is making you ask these questions? Is the state taking your
    money (tips) in some way other than just plain income
    taxation? If so, how? I will be glad to discuss this with
    you further if you will give me some more information to work
    on. You can call me to discuss this with you at (337) 478-
    6126, or e-mail me at Best of luck!
    Hardy M. Parkerson, Attorney at Law
    3309 Common St., Suite B
    Lake Charles, LA 70601
    (337) 478-6126; FAX (337) 477-2143

    On 2/12/03, George wrote:
    > Federal laws state that a customer has the sole right to
    > determine whether a tip is given, the amount and who will
    > be the recipient of his gratuity. Federal laws state that
    > it is required that an employee retain his tips. Customers
    > and employees whom have been the recipient of a customer's
    > gratuity are being deprived of their liberty and property
    > without due process of law. Shouldn't a State have to take
    > us to court to deprive of us our liberty and property? Any
    > insight on the 14th amendment in relationship to an
    > American's right to give money to another American or an
    > American's right to be legally entitled to that which
    > another American has given them would be appreciated by
    > many.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Being deprived of liberty and property without due process, 2/12/03, by George.
  • Re: Tips, 2/26/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Attorney.
  • Re: Being deprived of liberty and property without due proce, 2/26/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..

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