Post: Child Custody Interference and Due Process
Posted by Rose on 4/15/03
I believe due process was violated.
A woman's children were not returned after visiting their
father. Police were called. Woman was told to come to
courthouse. Children's father was there talking to
the 'judge'.
(no hearing, no communication; woman waited)
Two hours later, woman was told the father (on felony and
domestic violence misdemeanor probation) was given sole
custody. Woman was not allowed to speak.
Father has no house, no job and no income; the woman has a
stable (not a lot, but stable) income.
Woman has a record: As a 17 year old, she got caught
smoking CIGARETTES! That's her record the 'judge' held
against her. In the meantime, no visitation or contact
with her 2 children, ages 2 and 10 months.
The 'judge' involved, Marano, of Kootenai County, Idaho,
is famous for stomping all over due process.
No hearing until April 29th!
Idaho Judicial Accountability Act of 2004
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Child Custody Interference and Due Process, 4/15/03, by Rose.
- Re: Child Custody Interference and Due Process, 4/15/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: Child Custody Interference and Due Process, 1/17/11, by dawn .