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    Post: arrested in texas

    Posted by jennifer mcneal on 4/24/03

    my husband and myself were at target when we
    left bafore we got in our car the police surrounded us and
    started saying they were weatching for people buying otc
    pills. (we had purchased 2 boxes of 48)well they opened our
    car not us no serch warrent no permission they had not
    serched our bags yet.they made me seperate from my husband
    they ask to search my purce i said if i had a choice then
    no but that they were the cops so i guess if they wanted to
    they could.As soon as they opened the car door they said
    they found a pipe i dont know if it was really ther i never
    saw it . there was a brand new pipe in the dash but it was
    new.Well they found a seringe (i have hepc and i give
    myself vitb 12 shots because its really hard on my liver to
    take any oral meds exs.pills)i have a card that says i use
    syringhes at times.they also found 1diet pill and 2 valume
    and 4or5 antibiotics.the antis were mine the others my
    sisters that she had gave me to cary at the hospital when
    her husband was dying.i was in handcuffs befor they found
    he pipe o tsearched my purse,then when they found the pipe
    they said they could search my purse because i was under meranda rights not even why or wht for.they found
    a syringe with something in it i dont know if it was mine
    or if they planted it when they seen they messed
    husband never gave them permission to search the car but
    they did befor anything was found.they got us on possesion
    and im also going on a city charge of parephanelia the car
    is not mine (my name is not on it)i dont smoke pipes and
    they gave me back everything but the pills so the syringe s
    cant be the paraphanelia they meen so its the pipe and they
    found no drugs on me but i got possesion charges.what gives?
    i spent the night in jail i was searched with a huge window
    where the male inmates could see and the officer did not
    try to block the window.i was sick really bad hurting from
    the cuffs my illness affects my bones and if i get upset i
    hurt all over i cant walk well either my husband was
    treated fine i was not i think they were trying to get him
    to react to get him on thet too.i could not carry a matt so
    i had to lay on a concrete floor for a hour or so and i was
    never told why or read my rights.(i was told to get my matt
    and the floor was hurting me so i pulled it to the cell)
    the judge read me my rights sort of but never gave me a
    lawyer nthe inm,ates said i sighned a paper that he offered
    me one they said that the possesion had to go to the grand
    jury and we would get something in the mail from them.i
    plead not guilty and was told to come back for trial i wont
    need a lawyer its just where the judge decides i guess i
    think they should have seen if i need a lawyer because
    paraphenelia is a felony in texas.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • arrested in texas, 4/24/03, by jennifer mcneal.

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