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    Post: Am I a Deadbeat Dad?

    Posted by Ken on 5/01/03

    In 1985, my ex divorced me and was awarded child support.
    I, being a bitter, immature prat in those days, decided, if
    I cannot see my son, I'll just not pay. I paid
    haphazardly, my wages were garnished, income tax refunds
    usurped and such. I was about 6k to 7k in arrears when I
    met my current wife (15 years now). Two weeks after we
    met, I was arrested for violation of the California Penal
    Code #270. She, not listening to her freinds but instead
    to her heart, got me released on a 10K bond. I was made to
    attend monthly court appearances in the County of Orange,
    California. The presiding Judge ordered remuneration of
    all welfare (AFDC) and to get on the monthly current
    support bandwagon. I complied and after three long years,
    I was awarded freedom from the courts and a bit of
    maturity. I thought so at least. OC, CA. went bankrupt in
    the early nineties. Soon after the bad investments were
    made public, I again became a deadbeat Dad. They, OC DA
    Child support Div., felt the need to reapply payments
    already DISBURSED!!! They did it in such a way that their
    records showed I paid no welfare reimbursement and tacked
    on interest at 10% a year compouded monthly. I then
    received a bill from OC for over $12K. I was shocked. I
    have undergone several spinal fusions over the years but I
    still paid my support. In '95' we moved to Dallas and
    California had their Attorney General proxy for the
    collection purpose, great use of tax money eh? I filed BK
    Chpt. 7 in '95' and discharged $9,000 of interest that they
    alleged I owed. They contested at first but didn't show up
    for court, Fed BK Ct. The Fed Judge allowed the discharge
    because; in 1995 no laws existed disallowing the discharge
    of any interest accrued on any account of an order to
    support in any State. Yes, we set precedence and were
    qouted in other BK cases. Oddly enough, Feds changed the
    law in 1996, with no retro powers, to include any and all
    interest. OC DA's then reapplied my payments again. Oh
    its not interest its back payments, you paid off the
    interest before you accumulated it. Huh? hows that? I paid
    the interest before I incurred any. Wow, that's a scam
    Enron crunchers would be proud of. I have requested
    hearings to contest the validity of charges since Nov.
    1998, filed in the clerks office of Dallas. Tx says they
    cannot proceed without pay history from OC,Ca. of which
    Dallas AG office has requested since 1997. AG got
    the "Audit" on 04/28/03. I have all receipts showing
    application of payments, and an original audit from the
    County of Orange showing th real payments and 2 subsequent
    reapplication of payment audits, showing a differernt
    payment history each time, each one showing more money owed
    each time.
    Fade to the present:
    I go to the local Grocers to get my kids, Christopher 8
    1/2, Keely 7 and Colin 5, the standards. I find I cannot
    buy anything. ALL of my accounts are FROZEN!!! Lovely
    Liberal Ca has levied all of my assets. They say I owe 16K.
    I say not. I have proof they have liberal government
    muscle. I'm a blue collar plumber and they're blood
    sucking scum bags who dont care whose lives they ruin.
    Lets make sure the State gets all of their interest before
    three children in Dallas get their breakfast or dinner. God
    Bless America, Eh, What?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Am I a Deadbeat Dad?, 5/01/03, by Ken.
  • Re: Am I a Deadbeat Dad?, 5/01/03, by sharwinston.
  • Re: Am I a Deadbeat Dad?, 6/05/03, by ROOSTA.

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