Post: Rights Crimes Committed Violating USC, Title 18, Chap. 13
Posted by Steven Blonske on 5/23/03
I have just received information from an overseas source
that I was blacklisted from being able to communicate with
my family by the U.S. Government or their agents.
This blacklisting has been done by:
1. Refusing long distance service between myself and family
both overseas (Japan) and within United States Borders.
2. Denying my E-mail to my family both overseas and within
United States Borders by the use of "BLACKHOLE Servers"
Run by the United States Government's Internet Authority
the IANA. (BLACKHOLE Servers wee originally intended for
those that SPAM or people. In 6 years of internet use I
have sent on or about 200 E-mail Letters Total)
The denial of communication with family is based on
(By myself being an Eastern Orthodox Christian and
the Majority of my Family Being Roman Catholic)
Having a religious faith that is not commensurate to
the President's "Good Christian" standards "That ONLY
Protestants are Good Christians and for being a witness
and informant against Narcotics Traffickers who are
favored by the present administration and several corrupt
police and political figures.
I am looking for assistance in prosecuting these crimes
under United States Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 13,
Sections 241, 242, and 247.
Can Anybody Help?
If so; reply via E-Mail and give a full address.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Steve Blonske
BS - Engineering
MS - Institutional/Industrial Management
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Rights Crimes Committed Violating USC, Title 18, Chap. 13, 5/23/03, by Steven Blonske.
- Re: Rights Crimes Committed Violating USC, Title 18, Chap. 1, 5/24/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: Rights Crimes Committed Violating USC, Title 18, Chap. 1, 6/22/03, by Shimaze.
- Re: Rights Crimes Committed Violating USC, Title 18, Chap. 1, 8/13/04, by Josh Duper.
- Re: Rights Crimes Committed Violating USC, Title 18, Chap. 1, 8/13/04, by Mike Hunt.