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    Post: Procecuted again for evidence they already had

    Posted by Tim on 6/03/03

    I was recently arrested and charged by state for
    manufacturing marijuana with intent to destribute and
    possesion of a firearm with a pound of marijuana. State
    then dropped the charges and federal picked them up and
    charged me with possesion with intent to destribute and
    possesion of a firearm in furtherance of drug trafficking.
    I was found not guilty of both counts and then found guilty
    of the lesser offence of possesion.
    When the detectives first arrested me I admitted that I
    smoked marijuana and that I had smoked some right before
    they got there. This was even written on my signed
    statement. They also arrested me with drug paraphanlia
    (sp?) and of course marijuana. During the federal
    investigation the detectives interviewed 2 friends that
    both admitted that I smoked marijuana and had seen me.
    This was all before I was found not guilty of the offenses.
    Now I just received a letter stating they plan on
    prossecuting me not for possesion of a firearm by an
    unlawful user of a controled substance. They said that
    this charge comes from statements at my recent court
    apperance. At court, myself and other friends admitted I
    smoked marijuana.
    My question is, shouldn't this charge have been included
    as a lessor offense in the first case? And also, with the
    statements and evidence listed above which would have been
    enough to prosecute me in the first place, can they turn
    around a prosecute me now for this? Thank you for your
    time. Please let me know. Tim

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Procecuted again for evidence they already had, 6/03/03, by Tim.
  • Re: Procecuted again for evidence they already had, 6/05/03, by sarah.
  • Re: Procecuted again for evidence they already had, 6/09/03, by Tim.

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