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    Post: ineffective counsel and collusion between counsel and judge

    Posted by cp for DJ on 8/31/03

    My con DJ was convicted of 6 counts of armed bank robbery
    in 1997. My son received 113yrs. in the federal pen. My
    sons counsel was ineffective because in the trial
    transcript it was stated between my sons attorney and the
    gov. da that they would have to frame up something on him
    and also, the judge and the federal d.a. and my sons
    attorney discussed how long the trial would take; also how
    much time should be given for each prosecution witness, and
    no witnesses on my sons behalf were ever called no
    investigation on the my sons case at all by my sons court
    appointed attorney. My sons attorney stated to me that my
    son was guilty as sin and he would never getr out of jail
    if hewent forward with the trial that he should take a plea
    bargin, instead, and that i did not pay.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • ineffective counsel and collusion between counsel and judge, 8/31/03, by cp for DJ .

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