Post: Proper procedure?
Posted by Marge on 9/23/03
There's no question that my son, Jim, was in contempt of the child support order. As in many divorces, the money to keep up with everything is just not there. Shortly before a hearing his attorney withdrew from the case because he also is owed money. Legal Aid has Jim on a waiting list but that takes time. Jim sent a letter to the court asking for a postponement until Legal Aid could represent him. Denied. Because there was a good chance that he would go to jail, I drove him to court so his car wouldn't be sitting there and because we are friends and we support each other in good times and bad. To get to my question, when facing jail time, isn't it required that the judge allow the person time to get any attorney? Instead, the judge said that often people lie about contacting Legal Aid as a delay tactic, an attorney can't help when a person is in the wrong anyway, and proceeded to humiliate Jim for one hour. "Why did your mom bring you to court; I always wonder about men your age who bring their mother's with them; Where do you live, with your mom?; You don't seem to be doing well in the restaurant business, maybe you should try Bigfoot(A local convenience store); Did you eat last week before paying child support?"(Judge has no clue that Jim has been diabetic for 25 years and if he doesn't eat, he dies and no one gets child support.)This kind of thing went on for one hour. Disciplinary action is one thing; public humilation is another. Isn't a judge supposed to treat everyone with respect?(Canon 3,Judicial Ethics). Does any of this sound right? Jim is not a deadbeat. He lost his job at the same time he seperated from his wife and that was not a coincidence. Several $8.00 an hour jobs didn't do more than keep the lights on and food on the table, things the judge said were not important. Jim lost his restaurant management job a few weeks ago because of downsizing and is doing whatever he can to make money while sending out resumes. This is actually imaterial but I wanted to make the point that Jim does work. He's intelligent and articulate. Except for that hour in court. I'm looking for answers and advice. Thanks. Marge
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Proper procedure?, 9/23/03, by Marge.
- Re: Proper procedure?, 9/24/03, by John S..
- Re: Proper procedure?, 9/25/03, by Marge.