Post: legal questions for an 11 year old child
Posted by tonya askin on 10/04/03
I am not sure if this is the appropriate venue for this question. If not, I deeply apologize and can only say I am at my wits end and terribly afraid for my child. This is the situation. My 11 year old son is a A, B and rarely but sometimes a C student. He has never had any serious trouble at school, is a good student and causes no problems aside from the norm at home. Since age 6 he has been teased, harrassed and abused on the bus. I cannot transport him to and from school. Every year I take this issue to the school, his only referrals from school occurred on the bus. Last wensday he was caught with (my husbands) boot knife in his pocket at school. An officer and both the principal and vice principal questioned him then called me. He had lied numerous times because he was scared. What it comes down to is he only had it in hopes that if the high schoolers who were tormenting him knew he had it they wouldnt beat on him or call him horrible names. I know that this is bad enough. I truly do. I have heaped punishments on him and have had long discussions about it as well as am contacting a doctor to refer him to a pshychiatrist. The principal knows he is a good child but understandably cannot have him back in school. The options are expelling him or sending him to alternative school (which he is leaning to) I do not want my child, who is terribly suseptable to peer pressure around "bad kids", so have opted to home school him. Im sory Im rambling in trying to tell the whole story. The officer was angry that my son had repeatedly lied to him. (understand he is an 11 year old child...they do lie when scared) Now he is pressing dangerous weapons at school charges. I was not present when my child was questioned and at no time did the officer explain to him that what he had done was criminal. My son repeatedly incriminated himself before I told him when I finally was notified that what he had done was illeagal. Im terrified if they take him and put him in junvinile detention he WILL GO BAD! He is not a "bad kid" I know parents always say this but I swear to you the child has never before caused me concern nor worry, is responsible with his 4 younger siblings, always does his work and when asked why he hardly fights back on the bus he says "I dont want to get in trouble" He made a horribley terribly wrong choice, but doesnt deserve to be sent away. Is there any advice as to anything I can be doing between now and court to prove both he and I are working to ensure this never happens again? And was his civil rights violated? He was not allowed to leave while he was being questioned and was effectivly in police custody. I apologize for the lenght of this post and beg your indulgence. any information would be helpfull and thank you in advance for your time.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- legal questions for an 11 year old child, 10/04/03, by tonya askin.
- Re: legal questions for an 11 year old child, 10/19/03, by sharwinston.