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    Post: driveing while revoked on my backhoe dureing work

    Posted by mike eyer on 10/09/03

    i was arrested on my backhoe going from 1 jobsite to
    another,the Illinios vehicle code has exemptions the state
    a person opperating a roadmachine"backhoe" or farm tractor
    for legitiment reasons need not be licenced as a driver.
    my attorny mentioned this in opening statements,but the
    judge refused to let us put them into evedence.a had thev
    two contractors i was working for that day testify i was
    working for them.the jury deliberated 5 minutes,sent back
    a note wanting to see the exemptions to the ILL vehicle
    code.the judge refused, said they must follow his
    instruction.which was if they found me in control of any
    motored vehicle they must find me guilty.the jury after 4
    hours of deliberations sent back a note wanting to know if
    you need a licence to opperate a backhoe on the street.the
    judge lied to the jury wrote yes,when in fact you need not
    be licenced as a driver the vehile code states,a 12 year
    old can do so lawfully as long as in a safe manner. the
    jury deliberated 4 and a half hours before finding me
    guilty i've sent the judicle inquirey board all the
    transcripts,even the notes that 2 bystanders heard of the
    judge and states attorny and the police discussing my case
    after me and my attorny left the court room. they closed
    the vcase and will not give me a reason why.i am loseing
    faith in my appeal because everyone is sweeping this under
    the rug. please someone help me!!!!! i have all the
    transcripts would luv to send them to anyone that can
    help!!!! my name is mike eyer i live in jacksonville ILL
    62650 my phone #'s are 2172450469 or 2174736400 please help

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • driveing while revoked on my backhoe dureing work, 10/09/03, by mike eyer.
  • Re: driveing while revoked on my backhoe dureing work, 12/27/03, by Denver D Mccoy.

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