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    Re: non-reelect

    Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 10/20/03

    Dear C.K.,

    Sorry about the way you have been treated! You have been
    done wrong, and you need to fight back. Sue them! Just keep
    checking around until you find a lawyer who will represent
    you on a percentage (contingency) basis. You'll find one.
    Call Ernest Franceschi, Atty., (somewhere in CA, I've
    forgotten, perhaps L.A.) and tell him I recommended him. If
    he is not willing to take your case, ask him to refer you to
    an attorney that he knows in your area. My old friend Mel
    Belli is deceased, but his son still practices in S.F., and
    I am sure some of his former partners are still practicing
    there. Find out what is left of the old Mel Belli Firm and
    contact one of those lawyers. Best of luck! Feel free to
    call me at any time for a general discussion of your
    situation at no cost to you except your phone bill.


    Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    Lake Charles, LA

    On 10/09/03, C.K. wrote:
    > Hi, I was issued a non-reelect for cause. Two fellow
    > teachers told the principal I verbally abused them. They
    > also said I kept the prophits from after-school snack
    > sales. In addition, one of the teachers said I discused
    > the contents of the above allegations, which the
    > directed me not to speak to anyone about. That teacher
    > in charge of the after school sales. I had to let her know
    > that I would not be selling. One of my accuseres was the
    > department head as well as the union chapter chair.
    > The truth of it is I was well liked by all the students
    > and the parents at that school. My accusers had serious
    > complaints from many parents. I was able to obtain four
    > written statements from parnets proving that these
    > were abusive. Both physically and verbally.
    > I had been teaching at this school for 2 years prior
    > the non-relect. To be tenured you need 3 years. My
    > accursers all had prelininary credintals. The principal
    > totaly corrupt. He was transfered along with one of my
    > accusers to the school I was at. They were there only 1
    > year longer than I. The principal was transeferd out by
    > district for low student test scores I think. The other 2
    > teachers tranfered out as well.
    > The problem now is that Sacramento seems to careless
    > about getting to the botom of the whole thing. They refuse
    > to help me locate a teacher who was harased by my accusers
    > to the extent she hired an attorney and had the principal,
    > vice principal, and my accusers all sign cease and desist
    > notitces. Then she was trnsferd to another school. But
    > nobody seems to care about this. Sacramento said it's my
    > burden to get her statement. They said that I need a
    > witness saying that I did not use foul language against
    > these teachers. Sacramento said that it does not matter
    > that my accusers used foul language against the students.
    > Because the principal did not charge them. Sacramento said
    > that sinse two teachers both confirmed that I used foul
    > language simoultaneously in private against them that I
    > therfore must be guilty, 2 against 1.
    > Sacramento said that I need to find a way to hire an
    > attourney or else say goodbye to your teacheing credintals.
    > Every attorney specialized in school law wants a
    > minimum of 25000.00 when dealing with Sacramento
    > I have been out of work for almost 2 years. With a
    > 40,000.oo per year salary.
    > Is there a way to hire an attouney and pay after I am
    > back to work. I know I can prove my inocence. I can prove
    > evidence consealment, child abuse -physical and verbal. I
    > had 30 parents call Sacramento on my behalf. These parents
    > all said that my accusers and the principal lied to get me
    > out. Because the parents in that comunity were fed up with
    > the lack of teaching and abuse that my accusers and other
    > teachers at that school and the principal were getting
    > with.
    > It seems like school officals and school boards never
    > look into things. They just go with the principal's
    > decision.
    > How do I find a good lawyer to take this on
    > Or how do I fight Sacramento. Isn't there such a thing as
    > liberty interest -where the employee is stimatized by the
    > employer. In my case immoral conduct,embezelment, and
    > willfult neglect of duty.
    > This case has got to be worth at least 100,000.00
    > Please help...I can round up a lot of parents. A vice
    > principal, and the teacher that got my accusers to sign
    > notices, her attorney still will cooperate.
    > Thank you,
    > CK (310)508-3436

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • non-reelect, 10/09/03, by C.K..
  • Re: non-reelect, 10/20/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..

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