Post: date a cop rip your neighbors off

Posted by bas on 11/23/03
vacating the premises at the conclusion of an extremely, emotional, violent and slandering unlawful detainer action the tenants arrived on the date and time negotiated by the deputy sheriff at the time of the eviction. A neighbor approached the tenant and advised she witnessed and identified a person present stealing personal property earlier in the week. The local police dept was called to file a report. Upon questioning the suspect she denied being on the property and had been at work. The officer was advised that the witness lived directly across the street with a clear and unobstructed view. Again he questioined her and acknowledged her being there but was taking property that belonged to her. The witness helped pack and arrange the boxes and aware of the contents contained. I insisted that a report be taken and I wished to prosecute. The officer had been informed by a city employee who was friends with the landlord of being under a dr. care for severe depression from stress. The officer stated that the tenant looked a little excited and if insisting on proceeduing further to file the claim He may be forced to take the tenant in to the county pyschiatric hospital for 72 hour observation and opened the rear passenger door the patrol car. The officer refused to take the contact information for the witnesses advised the tenant to call for an incident number for insurance purpose in 10 working days and drove off. The female that had been identified removing the property was dating a detective on the force adn the landlord was childhood friends with the landlord. The next day the tenat walked into the police station to file the report. After responding to the desk officer's request for the address the tenant was made to wait seated for 45 min and advised no reports can be made in the police station and must be made by the beat cop who can either contact me by phone or I can wait at the address for him to arrive. It was discovered that there are address notations that the landlord is to be called and spoken to prior to any dispatch unless life threatening. The tenant was also refused a copy of his theft report until a supervior approval. The following week the tenant was approached by the landlord with her Sgt. friend insuating that if charges were pressed the District Atty would charge the tenant for tresspassing and burglary for the damages to the property 3 days prior. Internal affairs had denied meeting with the tenant. HELP
Posts on this thread, including this one
- date a cop rip your neighbors off, 11/23/03, by bas.