Posted by Tonya Troidl on 6/24/04
>I was told that you can not sue Children Services since the government gave them free reign as long as it was "in the best interest of the child". I can't find an attorney to go after them. I don't have my four year old because Children Services declared my friend guilty of sexually molesting his 3 daughters over two years ago. His daughters (who have had no contact whatsoever with him) still to this day say they were never touched by their father and medical reports say he didn't. I believe in his innocence. Children Services told the judge "I was an excellent mother - they just think I have bad taste in judgement of character". I'm sorry isn't this America - don't soldiers die everyday for our freedom. My friend hasn't even been arrested for anything because Children Services has no case. Isn't there any attorney that will stand up and sue them. If I committed a serious crime I would have more rights, but because I am a good mother I don't?