Post: Supposed felony charge - Too much sounds fishy

Posted by Michele Bittikofer on 2/28/04
Hi: I'm waiting to get notice in writing of this but in the meantime, I'm starting to check info. and may ultimately need an attorney or contact at my state's civil rights area. My problem: My son, age 14, a child w/a disability and an IEP, got in a fight at school and was suspended 5 days, the other child got nothing AND the night before I was to go in to school to discuss this w/administration, an officer showed up at our door. I spoke w/the Principal right after this occurred and she went over the fight and stated that the teacher who broke up the fight, that occurred in has class, "thought my son was going to hit her." She thought was also in writing on the suspension form and that's that w/no other mention of the teacher! That evening, I asked the officer in and he read my son his rights and stated he was being charged w/assault and it's now a police matter and that the child's parents and TEACHER are pressing charges of assault. I probably shouldn't have let my son speak but he told the officer what had occured and upon leaving I found out he was the Asst. Principal's husband and he would be the officer involved/submitting paperwork to us and the court. This Asst. Principal has had contact regarding discipline w/my son, 1 just a month earlier. This was almost 2 weeks ago and I've received nothing and must meet his admin. this week for an IEP mtg. which I received in writing in the a 30 days prior written notice form to discuss behavior and placement! They're trying to get out of providing a special education plan again, as in previous years as law dictates in many areas! I've fought for a proper education for my son for 3 yrs. and they've finally started a papertrial and have behavior items, a supposed 25 days of missed school, (not correct and I've asked his record to be amended in November and have got no where). My questions - 1. is this officer allowed to question, read my son his rights and most importantly, get involved since his wife is the asst. principal and has been involved w/my son? 2. How can "assault" possibly be charged when witnesses (kids in class) can even state that he didn't act like he was going to strike her, threaten or anything similar to her. She pushed the two children apart while fighting and my son did not say a word to her or put up a hand? If anyone has any information that may help, it would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you and have a good day!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Supposed felony charge - Too much sounds fishy, 2/28/04, by Michele Bittikofer.