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    Post: paternity

    Posted by missy mills on 5/06/04

    my husband was recently ordered to pay child support to a
    child he had never even heard of. he contested and did the
    DNA paternity test. we received the results recently and
    there is a 0% probability that the child is his so he's off
    the hook there. my question is - can we file a suit
    against the mother aleging my husband to be the father of
    her child? we have a lawyer and are already in debt from
    getting him and i think that the mother should pay us for
    the lawyer since we would have never had to get him if she
    had never falsely accused my husband. can we file a suit
    against her for payment of our expenses? (please note -
    the child is also over the age of ten, why would anyone
    wait so long to find out who the father is of your child?)

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • paternity, 5/06/04, by missy mills.

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